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Gale's photograph of their Multi-Color Transfer Stickers

Gale's review of Multi-Color Transfer Stickers

Oct. 1, 2018

I had some disappointment with my order. I'm a first-time sticker designer, so admittedly didn't know what I was doing. I would have been greatly served had a Carstickers staffer called me to suggest that I redesign my image to exclude the black font (or at least change it to white). It doesn't show up at all on the vehicles and we'll have to do a re-order now if we want anyone to purchase these. Rookie mistake...I know...but an expensive mistake for our nonprofit. With other print manufacturers I work with, they include an art proofing person as part of their process who will call me to confirm any blazing liabilities they see that could negatively impact my final product. Maybe that's a step in the process that would benefit others of your customers in the future too. The quality of the sticker is very satisfactory to me though! So good it tempts me to still do my re-order through you guys if I can recoup my lost investment from my erroneous order.