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chacee's photograph of their In Loving Memory Cowboy Hat Sticker

chacee's review of In Loving Memory Cowboy Hat Sticker

March 26, 2015

Very nice and pretty, but second day after it was put on the number 2 fell off from the 2014 and I drove my car once after it was on I let it dry a whole day and a half to make sure it was on right but no it still managed to come off... Now I'm scared to put the other ones on my other cars or even refer people to you guys

Car Stickers Inc. Reply Hi Chacee, We are so sorry to hear and see part of your sticker did not adhere properly. We will get a replacement sticker made and mailed out to you as soon as possible. There may have been an issue with our machines since you left the transfer tape on long enough but the number didn't stick as it should.