Express Yourself With Chinese Character Car Decals


chinese-characters-on-truck The Chinese alphabet is a work of art. Just writing something "love" or "beauty" in the language involves many strokes of a brush. Chinese character tattoos can be almost like a secret message. The character or characters have meaning to you and anyone able to read it, but for many people, it's just art. However, not everyone's a fan of tattoos. If you’re on the squeamish side about tattoos, consider Chinese character car decals instead.

Why Choose Car Stickers?

characters on windshield Tattoos are usually permanent and can be expensive. Decorating your car instead of your body makes sense if you want to save money and be free to swap out the characters for new ones as your mood changes. Chinese characters are just one of the many styles of designs available when you customize your car stickers for your vehicle, but they’re easily one of the most attractive. When you choose Chinese character car stickers, you can:

  • Spend less money than you would on a tattoo.
  • Rearrange or replace stickers at your whim.
  • Order the stickers in bulk and share them with friends and family.
  • Choose the colors, font and designs.
  • Request Chinese characters not currently listed for a more personalized design.
  • Easily spot your car from a distance even in the most crowded parking lots.
  • Because car stickers are so affordable, you can easily afford the decals even if you also get a tattoo. Find a word or phrase that is most meaningful to you and stick it everywhere — on your body and on your car. Use the characters as a conversation-starter with any new people you meet.

    Suggested Words and Phrases

    There are no limits to the words or phrases you can choose for your Chinese characters. Some of the more popular and more meaningful choices that might be right for you include the following:

  • Your Chinese Zodiac symbolsymbol-for-love
  • Love
  • Beauty
  • Power or strength
  • Energy
  • Faith
  • Destiny
  • Wisdom or knowledge
  • Peace
  • Good fortune
  • Friendship
  • Look up words and phrases in a Chinese or Japanese dictionary, or speak to a native speaker for more ideas.

    Pairing With Other Stickers

    If you choose a Chinese character decal as your car’s decorative centerpiece, select a few Asian-style stickers to go along with it. Chinese characters pair well with:

  • Yin-yang symbols
  • Samurai
  • Geisha
  • Martial artists
  • Chopsticks
  • Anime-style designs
  • Mount Fuji silhouettes
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Because you can customize any sticker order, you can also get stickers of your photos from a trip to China or Japan or yourself playing as your favorite anime or manga characters.

    The BBC explains there are over 50,000 Chinese characters, although even native Chinese speakers only know around 8,000 characters for daily use. Each character is steeped with meaning, and you could find a word or phrase that is so uncommon that even native Chinese speakers would have to look it up to determine its meaning. Celebrate something about yourself with a car decoration that’s both stunning — and contains something of “a secret message.”