Improve the Look of Your Custom Artwork


vectorize-4 We can convert any of your low-resolution artwork to high-resolution logo and sticker art using a process called vectorization. The process is fast and easy for you, and then you'll have a high quality image to use for other projects down the road.

What is vectorization?

Digital graphics use two basic kinds of image files: raster and vector.

Raster files (also known as “bitmap” or “bit image” files) are made up of dots or pixels. People don’t often think of them that way because the dots are so small that our eyes don’t perceive them, but when enlarged on a computer screen, you can plainly see the individual square-shaped dots that make up the image. Raster file formats are commonly used by devices like scanners, digital cameras, and digital printers.

Unlike raster files, vector files are composed of points and paths. Like a connect-the-dots puzzle, the dots are points and the lines you draw from one dot to the other are the paths that create the image. The advantage of vector graphics is that you can make them miniscule or enormous without losing any quality or clarity.

What do we do?

Just send us your low-resolution graphics—jpegs or gifs, faxed images, hand-sketched drawings, images from the web, and more—and we will convert them to scalable, clear vector graphics that you can use for any of your sticker needs. We’ll also provide you with an .AI and .PDF file that you can give to another printer or designer to use for additional print and digital materials. You’ll be able to use these images to build out all of your company’s collateral, from business cards and stationary to web graphics and more.

Visit us today at Get A Vectorization Quote and get started by letting us give you a free quote for vectorizing your artwork.