3 Funny Ways to Decorate Your Car


3-funny-ways-picture If laughter is one of your favorite things about life, or you’re otherwise known as the jokester in the family, let your love for humor leak over into every aspect of your life. Decorate your car to show off your fun personality. Whether it’s parked in a lot or stopped at a light, you’ll bring a smile to the drivers around you — and relieving tension on the roads is always a good thing. 

Funny Stickers

fat-man-sexy-pose-sticker Stick some funny images on your car windows, like a silly smiley face or a “sexy man” parodying the typical “sexy woman” silhouette. Customize lines of text and quote your favorite jokes or funny movies.  Order a full-color sticker of one of your photos in which you’re hamming it up for the camera, wearing a crazy costume or otherwise having a good time.  

Car “Nose” Decorations

When it’s Christmas season, turn your car into one of Santa’s helpers with reindeer antlers on the roof of your car and a bright red Rudolph nose for the car grill. When it’s not the holiday season, take down the reindeer antlers and call that reindeer nose a bright red clown nose — or even get a clown nose that squeaks when curious people try it in a parking lot. If you can’t find a silly car nose decoration you like, make your own; you could even use a plastic human-shaped nose.  

Silly Sun Shades

Keep the temperature in your car bearable when you park and make passersby do a double take by using silly sun shades. Choose one featuring your favorite cartoon character or a weird smiley face. If you can’t find a design that’s funny enough, paint your own funny image or message on a solid color sun shade. Spread your love of laughter wherever you go by adding some fun decorations to your vehicle. It’ll certainly make finding your car in crowded parking lots a lot easier — and a lot more amusing.