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James's photograph of their Skinny Lizard Gecko Sticker

James's review of Skinny Lizard Gecko Sticker

Sept. 8, 2018

This set of Lizards completes (nearly) the large flock/herd/school of little lizards that cover the body of my 2013 Jeep Wrangler JKUS called the "Lizard Leader". Larry is what we call him, but he's titled for a beloved regular Army Drill Instructor who taught military science at Wentworth Military Accademy during the late '60s. MSgt Danial Poinsette was a great influence on his cadet/students. His experience and character were just what could benefit a 13-18 year old boy seeking a military career, or any goal set for that matter. "Down like little lizards" he'd tell us, as we'd attempt a low profile. "Lizard Leader" was our nick-name for him...a true hero in the hearts of those he taught as if our lives would depend on his lessons, even ones who were disqualified for service for physical defects. At last my little tribute is almost complete. (This file photo is prior to the currently rated lizard, so I'll have to send a more complete pic later. It's still a work in progress....ya' can't have too many little lizards.)

Car Stickers Inc. Reply We all can appreciate a tribute to someone that can teach and inspire!