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News, Tips, and Insights

Space Stickers That Are Out Of This World

Collection of Vaping Stickers and Decals.

Outer space and the great unknown have always peaked the curiosities of our society. Space exploration and travel is such a large and mind-boggling concept that numerous movies, television shows, books, and other outlets have been created to captivate this exciting opportunity for our future!

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The Emergence of Vaping as One of Today's Most Popular New Trends

Collection of Vaping Stickers and Decals.

Vaping is a relatively new and fast-growing trend in the United States. Vapes are electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes that are handheld and battery-powered vaporizers. Their popularity is mostly because of their ability to simulate smoking by the same hand-to-mouth motion and act of inhaling without actually using tobacco or exhaling a cloud of smoke. The topic of whether vaping is better for you than smoking is still very controversial, however many ex-smokers are switching to vaping because it’s a more convenient and less messy way of consuming nicotine!

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Groovy Hippie Stickers and Decals

Collection of Hippie Stickers and Decals.

When we hear the word “hippie” we automatically think of peace signs, flowers, bell bottom jeans and the word groovy, but why is that? This culture and persona all started with a youth movement of counterculture in the 1960s. Hippies began in big cities like San Francisco and New York and eventually, the idea of a hippie had caught on and spread significantly! The word hippie comes from the word “hip” which is a term that has always meant fashionable, cool, up-to-date, etc.

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Food and Beverage Stickers

Food and Beverage Stickers on table.

The food and beverage industry is one of the biggest in our society! People love to eat and drink; It’s a social activity that humans have been partaking in since the beginning of time. When someone asks what your favorite food is, do you have an immediate response or at least a top five? I’m sure some of your favorite snacks or drinks popped into mind when you read that! This is because food and beverages evoke happiness in us and we love to support and show off the things we love.

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