Cool, Cute, and New Stickers

Carstickers News, Stickers
Computer showing new sticker categories

We’ve recently redesigned our sticker category page to make things easier to find! Have you ever gone shopping just to browse with nothing specific in mind, then find something you really like? We know this happens more often than not, so, we’ve made three new featured categories: Cool Car Stickers, Cute Car Stickers, and New Car Stickers! Creating these three categories has made browsing our site more convenient and has consolidated the most popular stickers from all categories into these three easy-to-find locations!

Examples of stickers from the cool category

Our new categories are easily accessible and found right at the top of the sticker category page under “featured categories”. The Cool Car Stickers category is a perfect combination of our most popular stickers and decals from a variety of categories! If you’re looking for stickers that are a little more edgy and maybe sports related, rock n’ roll, or adventurous, this is the category for you! It’s an easy one-stop location for all of the coolest stickers on our website.

Examples of stickers from the cool category

Our Cute Car Stickers category is chalk full of the cutest and most popular stickers from all categories on our website. Ranging from our flower and plant categories, animal categories, and Hippie/Boho categories. This is a perfect place to look for a girly or cutesy designs that may have a more animated look and lighter color scheme. Collecting all these designs from various categories and putting them in the cute category really does simplify your search when you know this is what you’re looking for. Also, it can help you get an idea for what other categories you could be interested in and start from there!

The New Car Stickers category isn’t cohesive in theme or design like the other two, however, it is a single location in which all of our newest designs belonging to any category can be found! This is the easiest way to stay up to date on our frequently added new stickers and decals. If you’re not sure what kind of stickers you’re looking for, this is a great place to browse through and see the freshest designs belonging to every category. Ultimately, these three featured categories were added in order to improve convenience and offer samples of the whole website in just one click! The variety available within these three options is never ending, and we hope you can now find what you’re looking for in less time and with less effort!