News, Tips, and Insights

How a Bug Can Show Off Your Personality!


Whether you head for the hills at the sight of a creepy crawly or you grew up surrounded by little glass jars with holes poked in the lids, love them or hate them, insects are everywhere. And just like the fable about the grasshopper and the ant, there are all sorts with all different kinds of personalities. See if one of these common types describes you, and flaunt your personality in a unique way with a car sticker of that insect on your car or bike.

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Keeping a Little of the City in Your Heart

Travel, Stickers

New York. Los Angeles. Chicago. Any number of metropolitan areas across the U.S. You were born and raised in one of the bigger cities in the nation, or maybe you spent a few very informative years of your life in one for college. But now a new job, marriage or children have brought you into the suburbs or small towns of America. It’s not that you’re unhappy, but you do miss the hustle and bustle of the big city you left behind. Celebrate your love for metropolitan living in a small, tight-knit community and bring the best of it to your new home.

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Aloha, Hawaii: Bring Home Some of That No-Worry Vibe!

Travel, Stickers
Hawaiian Sunrise

Whether you make a trip to Hawaii an annual event or you simply dream of someday spending time on America’s island paradise, you can live a little of the mai ho`okaumaha (no worries) Hawaiian lifestyle even if you’re stuck in a place where it’s covered in snow half the year. Place little reminders of Hawaii, the tropics and a stress-free attitude throughout your life, so you remember to take a deep breath and relax wherever you go. Round out your celebration of your love for America’s 50th state with a party on a warm summer night.

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3 Fun Ways to Prep for the Renn Faire Season

Sticker Ideas, Stickers

My lords and my ladies, the Renn Faire season is upon us. If you live in a warm climate, you might have access to a Renaissance Faire year-round, but usually, summer is the time for putting on medieval and Renaissance fashion, heading down to the seasonal Renn Faire and spending the day pretending you’ve stepped into the past; even if you have to hop into your modern day “motorized chariot” to get there. If you love the Renaissance like no other period in history, here’s how to prep for the best season of the year.

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