News, Tips, and Insights

Proclaim Your Love of Animals Using Your Car


We spend a lot of time in our cars — some would say too much time. But in a way, your car is an extension of you. It goes where you go, and you can use it to show off what you love most. If you’re an animal lover, imagine pulling up to the shelter or even just to school or work with your passion written clearly all over your car. Just as you might decorate your locker at school, or your desk at work, put a little of “you” into your car’s decor.

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How to Show Off Your Political Party Pride With Humor

Sticker Ideas, Stickers

In “polite society,” politics is one of the most taboo topics of conversation. However, simply brushing the issue under the rug does nothing to enact change in our country or win people over to the causes you believe in most. If politics are your passion and you can stand the heat of the debate, you can have a lot of fun showing off your political pride via humor. Remember that people who disagree with you aren’t your enemies — just people with different ideas who still love their nation.

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3 Fun Ways to Subtly Brag About Your Travels

Travel, Sticker Ideas

Some people see a map of the U.S. or even of the globe and see it as a list of places they’ve been and places they’ve yet to visit. If traveling is your passion, especially if it’s often by car so you can take those unexpected stops to surprising places, show off your traveling experience to friends, family and strangers. Everyone can share pictures online, but you can take it a step further and let your friends and family experience a little bit of where you’ve been or bring your experience with you wherever you go.

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Showing Off Your Love for Transport of All Sorts

Sticker Ideas

Most people get it: You need a caravan to fit your kids, or it’s your first car and you could only afford your uncle’s beat-up old vehicle. But deep down, you wish you really drove something else — and maybe that “something else” isn’t even an automobile at all. Whether you dream of owning a better car one day or your occupation or hobby means you spend a lot of time on another vehicle — a plane, a tractor, or a motorcycle, for example — make people laugh by getting the “my other car is a…” joke on your vehicle in a few clever, affordable ways.

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