News, Tips, and Insights

How to Put a Creative Spin on Your First Car

First Car

It’s the day you’ve dreamed about for years: holding the car keys to your first car. Your car is more than a method of transportation to school or a part-time job — it’s an extension of who you are. Accessorize and decorate your car to show off how this car is yours, not the car you borrowed from your parents, but truly yours. There are a number of fun, affordable ways you can do just that.

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How to Show Off Your Greek Organization Pride

Greek Pride

Your sorority sisters or fraternity brothers form a deep bond with you that can last a lifetime. The time you spend in a sorority or fraternity in college is going to create memories you’ll cherish for years. Show off your Greek organization pride wherever you go, whether you’re still a student or you recently graduated — and even if you’re still pledging. Encourage your fraternity brothers or sorority sisters to do the same and you’ll form a cheer squad for your organization.

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3 Reasons to Customize Car Stickers for Your Charity

Fundraising & Nonprofits, Business Solutions, Stickers

If you’ve been put in charge of promotion for a charitable organization or event, consider using car stickers for your charity. People are so used to online, TV, newspaper and radio ads that they subconsciously tune them out. You need something that engages the local community and gets in front of people’s eyes no matter where they go without being intrusive. Car stickers are both a great way for volunteers and organization employees to show off their charity pride and to spread word.

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3 Affordable Ways to Show Off Your Love of Music

Concert Audience

If you could eat and breathe music, you probably would. You spend more weekends heading to live concerts than you do staying in at home. Music is important to you, but with so much of your extra cash spent on albums and concert tickets, you don’t have a lot left over to buy those outrageously priced band souvenirs sold at the concerts. Here’s how to show off your love of music for less at your next concert — or year-round.

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